Wholesome Light Journey
“Meditate On : WHOLESOME! The journey to a new and more meaningful life can be an emotional roller coaster. Let us examine our own experiences and meditate on what we have left undone in previous lifetimes and complete it in the now.”
“The concept of our human life is to understand that we carry within us not only our emotional imprint of childhood memories but also our karmic blueprint of our entire life ahead and beyond. These imprints help us to unravel the mysteries of our mind and heart and heal the stories of all our past lifetimes.
The events, the feelings, the episodes and the adventures that surround us, they also impact how we behave with ourself and all the others. Healing is very important to us and our destiny as it impacts the inner child and the inner heart, helping us in healing from the root itself. The healing process empowers us to complete the journey of life with complete forgiveness and fortitude.
The imprints of healing on our soul change the way we process events and information in our life, influence our behaviour, our karmic giving and taking and responsibility towards life itself. This healing process then also triggers self preservation and protection of our soul consciousness, bringing us to a wholesome state of spiritual awareness and diligent healing.
Healing hugs of a healthy recovery. Love from the heavenly spheres of attentive peace.”
“We may feel completely lost, we may ask many questions, we may even have new found desire to find the spiritual answers, yet, primarily we must just heal on to know that we are on the right track.”

Everyday is part of your wholesome light journey. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. And begin to heal differently.