Zen Is The Flavour
“At the centre of the heart is a cosmic sphere of bright light that is rotating and distributing the cosmic vibrations. In meditation one hears the “OM” sound and connects to the vibrations and feels them throughout the body.
To what level do we have to move forward to hear and connect? It is through oneness with the Divine Blessings and the fire of illumination that we remain connected.
All the fire of illumination that is removing the debris and purging us of all the impurities is the same one that connects us once again to the purified heart.
Purity of heart means that we are always immersed in the nectar of devotion and constantly seeing the divine hand in everything. When we are sufficiently purified we take on the act of service and begin to engage in the positive response of healing one and all.
When we close our ears and listen to the silence in the heart,we will instantly be assured that we have reached the “ Temple of Silence”.
Stay and enjoy this journey of life in silent meditation.
Healing hugs of deep contentment. Love from satisfaction and determination in the heart.”
Today as you meditate and heal, zen is the flavour . Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.