Vision Of The Day : Global Breath : 05
This is Global Breath, Welcome to Part Five! A series that presents as the vision of the day snapshots of the patterns of the life force energy of all beings on Mother Earth. These clairvoyant sharings in the form of healing artworks are a gift from me to you. They describe in visual detail the shifts and sways of the life force energy as it moves within the womb of Mother Earth. As we all how pathways interact in the surface of our grand Planet. Each line and colour an indicator of the pulse of the beings that are collectively breathing. Look upon each of these artworks as they heal you. Feel it in your own breath and know your story resides here as well. The joy of seeing, recording and empowering my artworks to heal others is a true joy. I often tell Divvya, that it is these silent communication with the energies of the Universe that fuel the profound purpose to heal. Know that you are never alone, always protected and always healing. So, dive in, swim and breathe in the light!
PART ONE : 26 November – 01 December 2024 : HEALING ARTWORKS BY RENOOJI

How To Heal With The Vision Of The Day
“Simply look at the ‘Vision of the Day’ and invite it by thought into your 3rd Eye Chakra. You can also invite it into any other chakra or body part of your choice. Please note that you can only do this for yourself. These are for your self-healing only. Once chosen, see the particular healing artwork at the particular chakra or body part. Request it to heal all.
These special ‘Visions’ are healing tools designed by me to assist the healer within. They are for you to work with for healing yourself. Furthermore, together – the vision and the healer within know what to do. For healers initiated in Reiki, KQ and/or My Golden Cloud – you may further empower this moment of healing with the light. “
Heal with The Global Breath 01/05
Explore With The Global Breath 02/05
Meditate The Global Breath 03/05
Discover The Global Breath 04/05
To access, view and heal with more such healing artworks visit the Vision Of The Day Archive