Vision Of The Day : Values & Beliefs : 03
FROM THE DESK OF RENOOJI : VISION OF THE DAY : Values & Beliefs : Part 03/05
This is Meditate Values & Beliefs Connect for Vision Of The Day, Welcome to Part Three! Look upon each artwork with heart and mind open to invoke and invite the mercies of their this magnificent healing series. Each artwork a dimension opened within the heart to heal and expand the mind. Can you feel the vibrations. Each Vision Of The Day is a gift from me to you that reveals the patterns of the aura, the universe and the light. Focus and you will find the swirls and twirls of each line taking you on a journey of contemplative healing. Meditate upon artwork and unlock the healer within. It is a great joy to have you here participating in the healing purpose these visions were created for. Born through my clairvoyant visions these forms are essentially and most importantly healing artworks.
A sacred gift from me to you. Each line is an instructive pattern of the energy I see that flows forth and empowers the viewer, empowering you! As you gaze upon each of these artworks – see yourself participating in this healing moment, knowing that you are being healed. Cherish this treasured experience to be able to see and record these empowering and powerful forms and energies in my artworks. Divvya and I are constantly amazed and humbled at the healing bounty in our Universe. And we have such joy in sharing it with all of you. As you move in your day and life know that the healing light is always with you. We are with you. The Light is surrounding you, blessing you, protecting you and flowing through you. So, Explore Values & Beliefs !

How To Heal With The Vision Of The Day
“Simply look at the ‘Vision of the Day’ and invite it by thought into your 3rd Eye Chakra. You can also invite it into any other chakra or body part of your choice. Please note that you can only do this for yourself. These are for your self-healing only. Once chosen, see the particular healing artwork at the particular chakra or body part. Request it to heal all.
These special ‘Visions’ are healing tools designed by me to assist the healer within. They are for you to work with for healing yourself. Furthermore, together – the vision and the healer within know what to do. For healers initiated in Reiki, KQ and/or My Golden Cloud – you may further empower this moment of healing with the light. “
Heal with The Values & Beliefs 01/05
Explore with The Values & Beliefs 02/05
Meditate upon The Values & Beliefs 03/05
Discover The Values & Beliefs 04/05
Connect To The Values & Beliefs 05/05
To access, view and heal with more such healing artworks visit the Vision Of The Day Archive