Message Of The Day Law Of Karma
magical__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Law Of Karma

“The rejoicing heart is awakening energy of great karma ripening to heal all that which leaves us all connecting more and more to the different locations and destinies of light.”

“As the law of karma is interrelated and inevitable, hence when we harm others or even think or speak badly about others, we are directly harming ourselves. Thus to understand this even better, when we bring happiness to others, with love and healing; we are truly bringing happiness to ourselves and to the world that we live in. Remember that ultimately there is justice and protection and goodness in the universe of healing and love and light. It is this very goodness that we are every day trying to uncover in our selves when we do the healing.

Healing the self and all the others. We must develop the goodness in our heart where the healing light lives and helps us heal for the good of our world. So, begin to live in the heart of love and filling it with the healing light shine it upon others for their welfare. The future is in our own hands as is the light . Share it forward and rejoice as we begin to once again live where the light lives.

Healing hugs of a futuristic heart. Love from the frontiers of interaction and interrelated karma. “


“Awakens you to the precious offerings of glittering jewels within the healing realms.”

Connect to the light that is constantly revealing and healing the law of karma. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.