Message Of The Day Golden Light
renunciation__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Golden Light

“Reflecting on the self is a beautiful soul consciousness revival , that is rewarding and progressive. The month of February 2025 will bring in particularly powerful opportunities for healing the self and others. Use the energies to create a beautiful life. Share the energies to make magical choices and recreate a new destiny.

Bring your attention to the top of your head and see a ball of golden light entering your body.

See your body as a hollow cylinder being filled with these golden balls of light. Be open to your visualisation powers to assist your self to connect to these balls of light now beginning to  overflow from your aura into the outside world. Some flowing into the sky, some are rolling on the ground. Some dancing on the water and some even disappearing into space.

Stay connected to this visual and know that you are being assisted by these balls of golden light to heal yourself and your world. If there is a stress, a tension or even a spontaneous idea to heal something or someone, just be careful with your heart desires, knowing that compassion takes charge over any other emotion. Be compassionate in all your thoughts and ideas and heal. Chant this mantra seven times to be assisted in your healing work.

Know that the balls of golden light are everywhere.
“ I am strengthening and empowering myself and my universe. “ x 7 times.

Connect to a thousand petalled lotus opening in your crown chakra. From each of those thousand petals ; beautiful violet , purple and golden  rays of light are cascading into your aura,spontaneously healing all that is coming up in your consciousness. Allow this light to melt into you, your chakras, your aura, your life, your work, your world and your life ahead.

Know that you are healed.

All is healed.

Healing hugs of continuous patterns and designs of light. Love from the solid plan of enlightenment. “

“Know that in certain moments we are much more powerfully aligned with each other to work beyond our potential and we in togetherness uncover the sacred truth.”

Today as you meditate on golden light, smile and celerbate. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.