“Reflecting on the self is a beautiful soul consciousness revival , that is rewarding and progressive. The month of February 2025 will bring in particularly powerful opportunities for healing the self and others. Use the energies to create a beautiful life. Share the energies to make magical choices and recreate a new destiny.”
Chant – ‘BEEJ OM’
As we chant, each syllable of sound resonates with the spiritual power of the platinum light.
Condense the light into diamond particles and see them entering the heart of the light and then your heart space. Then you will see the shining energies flow forth as love and light from your heart.
Expansion of the light brings solace and comfort to you and all the others who are around you or even those you are thinking of. As the heart releases this dynamic energy for one and all, see the Prana around you moving and purifying your Nadis ( subtle channels) and the energy of the mantra and the sounds of the chants pouring into your chakras and thus purifying and working directly on your consciousness, your mind, your body and your aura.
Feel the transformation, the protection and the deep attention on the healing and know you are in a deep state of meditation.
Healing hugs of continuous patterns and designs of light. Love from the solid plan of enlightenment.”
“Know that in certain moments we are much more powerfully aligned with each other to work beyond our potential and we in togetherness uncover the sacred truth.”

Today you must meditate on ‘BEEJ OM’. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.