Message Of The Day Blissful Impermanence
light_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Blissful Impermanence

“The rejoicing heart is awakening to a giant spiritual energy of meditative continuity that leaves us all connecting more and more to the twinkling stars in the rivers of light.”

Contemplating on impermanence is not enough. We must travel with this awareness throughout our life. As changes in our body and mind occur, we must look deeply and deftly within to understand what actually is happening to us. There are many patterns of ageing that we can connect with on a daily basis, and yet we are always ignoring them or thinking that it cannot happen to us. The patterns of light in this moment in time are for your journey, measured by the number of breaths we have to undertake upon Planet Earth.

We must take each moment as a precious opportunity to live life in a better way. How do we know that we are living better?

Well! It is about how much gratitude we have towards life, people, places and things. We have to heal spiritually with the light but the physical body is also strengthening in the adventure of life. Knowing that the power of self love and compassion has no bounds. We must concentrate on meditation and healing in the year ahead with a clear vision. You are all doing great valuable spiritual service even by reading this message. Stay dedicated to the healing path.

Healing hugs of a spacious and pervasive heart. Love from the frontiers of elating truth and soul consciousness that rejoices.”


“Awakens us to believe in the healing light and spread it to heal the scars of attachment within the healing realms.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Stay in the blissful impermanence and keep healing.