Message Of The Day Harmonic Vibration
vision__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Harmonic Vibration

“Reflecting on the self is a beautiful soul consciousness revival , that is rewarding and progressive. The month of February 2025 will bring in particularly powerful opportunities for healing the self and others. Use the energies to create a beautiful life. Share the energies to make magical choices and recreate a new destiny.”

When we heal, we must create a harmonic vibration of love to touch the world in the circumference of our life connections in all the 360 directions simultaneously.

It is essential to create the right environment in the mind, as all effort and struggle come from not being spacious in the space of the heart. It is in the heart that we can live unconditionally and universally.

Creating and staying connected to the loving embrace of the heart, we must heal everyone effortlessly. As you are quietly reading and meditating on these words, affirm that you are calm, surrounded by a beautiful greenish gold light, healing the centre of all sound. Even the sounds of your silent thoughts.

There is no effort, only rich understanding , wakefulness and complete trust and certainty in the healing presence of the light. A fundamental trust in the healing light is all you need to heal all completely in the moment.

Rest in the pure awareness of the greenish gold light today and fall in love with the self and life.

Healing hugs of continuous patterns and designs of light. Love from the solid plan of enlightenment. “

“Know that in certain moments we are much more powerfully aligned with each other to work beyond our potential and we in togetherness uncover the sacred truth.”

Today as you meditate, must create a harmonic vibration of love. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.