Message Of The Day Joy And Peace
peaceful_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Joy And Peace

“Reflecting on the self is a beautiful soul consciousness revival , that is rewarding and progressive. The month of February 2025 will bring in particularly powerful opportunities for healing the self and others. Use the energies to create a beautiful life. Share the energies to make magical choices and recreate a new destiny.”

Feel a sense of joy and peace and well being and breathe in a beautiful green light of pure love.

Invite this natural happiness into your heart. Progress beyond the green into the golden realms of light. See the aura filled with this greenish gold light, and move ahead.

Although we cannot always control the mind, we can encourage it to be gentle and at ease. We can train the mind to heal with the heart and move away from stress and despair. When we heal we respond rather than react with our emotions and our thoughts. Consider the impact of the greenish gold healing light flowing through your heart consciousness upon your life in the future and  be patient with your heart responses .
Recognise that the mind may not always allow you to do what you want to do, but it does participate with the heart energies to allow us to experience joy, pleasure and happiness.

We must try to connect to the words and phrases in our mind and convert them with the green and gold healing light to become endearments of the heart, full of love and light.

Healing hugs of continuous patterns and designs of light. Love from the solid plan of enlightenment.”

“Know that in certain moments we are much more powerfully aligned with each other to work beyond our potential and we in togetherness uncover the sacred truth.”

Today you meditate on joy and peace and you move ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.