Message Of The Day Successful Healing
magical__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Successful Healing

“Reflecting on the self is a beautiful soul consciousness revival , that is rewarding and progressive. The month of February 2025 will bring in particularly powerful opportunities for healing the self and others. Use the energies to create a beautiful life. Share the energies to make magical choices and recreate a new destiny.”


As human beings we have to stop our story of suffering and instead rewrite our story of happiness and successful healing.

We have to be prepared to live our life experiences in a quiet spiritual contentment and at the same time materially actualise our highest potential . In this process we activate our karma and our destiny simultaneously.

Today let’s meditate on the patterns of our actions and reactions and take care of the path that we want to walk upon with family and friends. We have to be one with our higher self and stay connected to the radiant light of healing.

We have to be one with our team spirit and in the process protect and heal one another . We have to be strong and aware of our spiritual nature and our consciousness aligning within the circle of wellness. We must always invoke the cleansing light of healing, brushing the auric fields with the radiant platinum light that constantly glows.

The purifying, cleansing power of this light allows us to heal diligently in the now. We are fully connected to the healing modalities and we are cleansing, purifying, empowering ,liberating, healing to set each one free in the now.

To do the work that each one of us is born to do.

Healing hugs of continuous patterns and designs of light. Love from the solid plan of enlightenment.”


“Know that in certain moments we are much more powerfully aligned with each other to work beyond our potential and we in togetherness uncover the sacred truth.”

Today as you meditate and heal and rewrite your story of happiness and successful healing. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.