The Rejoicing Heart Is Awakening
“The rejoicing heart is awakening to a pristine new energy of great effulgence that leaves us all connecting more and more to the sparkling rivers of light.”
“Self cherishing is the best protection for our spiritual nectarean self to unfold the magic of the mystical worlds across the frontiers of time. Our existence in the light brings us to the realisation that we have to share this light with one and all. We have to be inspired to not only heal others physically but also spiritually and karmically.
The power of compassion has no bounds and yet many of us try to stay within our own boundaries not realising that the more we share is that which shall continue to grow the light and replenish our frontiers of love and light. We must heal on as we are all collectively doing valuable spiritual service which we must continue. There are no obstacles nor any blocks when it comes to remaining in the nectar of devotion to the light of healing. Stay committed and stay healing.
Healing hugs of a rejoicing heart. Love from the frontiers of light, solidity and strength with courage.”
“CROWN CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS Awakens you to solidity and security within the healing realms.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. And to heal in every moment with surrender.