Message Of The Day White Effulgent Light
06 Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya illumination

White Effulgent Light

“Meditate On : White Effulgent Light!

Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice. 


Stay in the realm of the white effulgent light that is creating a beautiful brilliance .

This brilliance will shine in your heart through the next 25 days of 2023 to heal your heart desires. Continue to heal and level your life goals with determination and strength for success and gratefulness to grow.

Affirm that you will live freely and openly in your heart in 2024 and beyond, leaving everything you touch and interact with filled with the  luminescent light of joy.

Expanding the pure essence of the brilliant white light, know that you are slowly and surely entering a new world of safety and security. Nurturing deep respect and fostering complete love for the light, you will be moving to a place of oneness and happiness.

Affirm—“I am a conduit of pure white light, which is touching every pore and cell of all beings with wellness which they are experiencing throughout their entire beings.”

Healing hugs of inner life giving comfort ; consolidating your happiness . Love from the heart of happiness to resurrect the self. “

“Be in the golden light flowing through your heart and your spine and know that the sustenance and the sustainability of grace ; both come from the act of healing with conviction and gratefulness.”

Healing is therapeutic. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages, White Effulgent Light from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.