Spiritual Range
Wishing all of you a great 2025…. …HAPPY NEW COMPASSION…
“Visualise in front of you the person with whom you want to communicate this message to. See this person in your mind’s eye ( Third Eye Chakra) exactly as you remember them. Consider now that they are receiving your love and healing and are more receptive and listening to your message.”
“The creative impulse of the universal range of cosmic light infiltrates into our spiritual range of space in motion.
Our moving chakras and aura within the ambit of the auric and energy fields always inspire us to take this light into our heart. The heart of the light flowing through our realm is always looking to anoint many who are ready to serve and give gracefully with compassion to one and all.
Many of us are in service to the light and many are surrounded by compassionate people who are spontaneously healing them. We are in togetherness illuminated and healing with the rays and ribbons of light, filling each other with love and light.
The light is in constant motion as it moves up from the centre of the Earth and yet we feel it moving and hovering around our head and pushing down to enter us . Yet, the experience of compassion is always felt in the heart and we all transmit the light of the heart by loving the others.
We must remain united in this space as the world needs more of us to heal.
Healing hugs of deep receptivity. Love from the heart of the giving and receiving. “
“Affirm more openly that you are spiritually sharing , honestly and willingly with respect and gratitude with one and all..”

Today you meditate and heal,spiritual range. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.